Last Post for Blogger

After some struggles with the layout, I've decided to move to WordPress. You can find the new blog here:

Update your links on blogger, so that it reflects the new blog.

Poll Updated (Revote)

I've redone the poll, compiling some of the entries and adding a few essential ones that I've left out before. But in order to do so I had to get rid of the old one. I've also made some changes to the background as you can see. It's being rather a pain, but we'll see where I can get with it.

Just in case, you're wondering why there's a gray box around the poll, it's because Blogger insists on the text color being black when the background is black as well. Blogger also doesn't offer much in the ways of editing it either.

New Poll

There's a new poll off to the right side of the page concerning what game elements appeals to you the most to buy a game. I suspect Story will take the lead, but I'm interested to see how the rest of them will turn out as well.

This poll is non-BouncyRock affiliated and is for personal interest only - although it can possibly have an impact on future projects involving BouncyRock's endeavours.