
Keep an eye out for Surague tomorrow on the vault. I did some last minute touchups. I found a tree I forgot to put a cutter around, so I actually just removed it. It was in the middle of the road anyways. Thanks to all of you reading for your support, except for those of you who voted "Up to You." You weren't helpful at all :)

Just kidding.



March 21, 2008 at 6:33 PM

Cool. I might download it just so I can steal your lighting settings :D

Anyway, I hope we get a lot of good, more or less usable prefabs out of this. My next project I'm thinking about doing I may end up using area prefabs.


March 21, 2008 at 7:52 PM

Thief! ;)

Nah, go ahead. That's what its there for. And I hope some more people decide to participate. There's really only a week left of the competition. I actually have another area I made a long time ago. The second half to Aragaard, but I was never fond of it. It's better than most areas you see on the vault, but the layout really sucks, which is why I ditched it.

I'll probably release it to the vault for those who just want half-decent areas or something.